
Transforming Tissue Research With Open Multiplexing


Cell DIVE Multiplex Imaging Solution

What if every scientist could map normal and diseased tissue by cell type, biomarker profile, and specific features?

Cell DIVE is a precise, open multiplexing solution that lets your research dictate the level of automation required, which antibodies to use, how to build your antibody panel, and more.

Your benefits

Backed by a decade of research, Cell DIVE offers crystal-clear whole tissue images, enabling you to deepen your understanding of the tissue microenvironment through outstanding spatial mapping of single cells within context.

Cell DIVE offers

  • Multiplex imaging that's scalable and efficient
  • Data you can trust, backed by a decade of research
  • 350+ validated antibodies so you can design studies your own way

Be free to choose your study's antibodies

An adaptable and antibody-agnostic system, Cell DIVE offers researchers the freedom to design their study as they wish, now or in the future.

Cell DIVE does not dictate where you source antibodies, offering cost savings and the flexibility to design your study as you wish. Design your own completely custom panel, use a multiplex reagent kit, or save time on study design and reagent preparation with Cell DIVE validated antibodies available from our partners at Cell Signaling Technology (CST). Leverage the expertise of CST, a trusted name in antibody manufacturing, and discover over 100 antibodies ready-for-use with Cell DIVE.

You can also respond to changing research needs in real-time or revisit your study in the future, with Cell DIVE's adaptable workflow and tissue-preserving capability.

Scale your research as it suits you

Cell DIVE with ClickWell enables easily scalable multiplexing by giving users options for automating workflows to fit their needs.

  • Choose the level of automation that is right for your research today and adapt as your needs evolve
  • Cell DIVE is scalable even without automation
  • Develop total confidence in your data and analysis and reduce sample-to-sample variation by batch processing of benchwork steps. The Cell DIVE platform was developed for scientists by scientists, to provide reproducible results you can rely on.

Be confident in your results

Cell DIVE helps researchers deepen their understanding of the tissue microenvironment by offering outstanding spatial mapping of single cells within context.

Get crystal-clear whole tissue imaging down to the single cell level, automatically calibrated and corrected to enable quality analysis downstream.

Have peace of mind from a proven workflow: benefit from a proven, patent-protected, end-to-end iterative staining process.

Built by scientists, for scientists, from a decade of discovery and development

Cell DIVE multiplexed imaging is backed by 10 plus years of rigorous research, testing, and validation.

Deployed in the United States and evaluated through international collaboration, our science, algorithms, and methodology are proven, so you can trust your results.