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  • Perfluoroalkyl and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) and emerging contaminants don’t break down easily, making them difficult to remove from our water sources. Newterra offers pre-engineered adsorber filtration systems for effective removal at any flow rate.

  • Navigating the technical challenges of mAbs production and scalability

    Monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) offer promising immunotherapy treatments, targeting antigens and diseases. Manufacturing these complex therapies presents challenges in scaling up, cost, and consistency. Germfree’s expertise in tailored cleanroom solutions addresses these obstacles, ensuring sterility and seamless equipment integration. By providing advanced facilities for both small-scale clinical trials and larger-scale production, Germfree contributes to the successful development and commercialization of mAbs, ultimately improving patient outcomes and transforming healthcare landscapes.

  • BioCentriq has a comprehensive and established quality and compliance function with the personnel, systems, and procedures in place to apply phase-appropriate compliance and a quality-first approach to every program. Both Quality Assurance and Quality Control experts will be involved with your program from the very beginning as an integral part of the team starting with knowledge transfer and culminating with the release of your product. 

  • Lightweight, complex mechanical parts can now be “built to order” quickly and automatically, thanks to Additive Manufacturing (AM) technologies.

  • ZYGO's Compass™ 2 metrology systems set the benchmark for automated, non-contact 3D surface metrology and process control for discrete micro lenses and molds critical to compact camera modules found in smart phones, tablets, and automotive vision systems.