News | May 22, 2009

International Records Management Trust And ARMA International Educational Foundation Sign Accord Of Partnership And Cooperation

The International Records Management Trust (IRMT) and the ARMA International Educational Foundation (AIEF) signed an Accord of Partnership and Cooperation. The Accord, entered into on behalf of the IRMT by its International Director, Dr. Anne Thurston, OBE and for the AIEF by Chairman of the Board of Trustees, Susan Whitmire, CRM, is intended to provide a framework for mutually beneficial and cooperative initiatives.

The possible cooperative ventures, all of which are focused on advancing education, research and scholarship in the field of records management, include identifying and sharing good-practice; defining significant research topics and researchers; reviewing and disseminating educational materials; exchanging research findings, reports and news; and developing joint field efforts.

With the completion of the Accord, the two organizations immediately completed their first cooperative venture.The AIEF provided $5,000 U.S. to assist the distribution of educational modules, developed by the IRMT, that focus on managing electronic records to support records professionals in developing nations in Africa and elsewhere. In thanking the AIEF for its generous contribution to the distribution of the materials, Dr. Thurston noted, "Many developing countries are hoping to leapfrog to a purely electronic environment.

Unfortunately, the framework of laws, policies, standards, systems, procedures and skills needed to maintain the integrity of the records is not in place, and the growing body of relevant knowledge in developed countries is not being adapted to meet the circumstances of lower-resource countries. The distribution of the educational materials marks an important step forward in addressing this situation." In statements noting the signing of the Accord, Dr. Thurston and Ms. Whitmire pointed out the high level of enthusiasm from both organizations in reaching this accord and on working together into the future.

About The International Records Management Trust
The International Records Management Trust was established in 1989 to develop new strategies for managing records and information. The IRMT is unique internationally in terms of the nature of its vision and mandate, its broad international experience, the breadth and length of its work across different sectors, and its strong track record of successful project delivery. Projects by the IRMT are distinguished by a long-term commitment to the people of the countries served, close collaboration with stakeholders through the life of any project, and an ability to relate international good practice to the realities of local requirements and resources. The IRMT has always emphasized the significance of managing records as a basis for improving operational efficiency and services, enhancing access to information and providing an institutional record over time. Its work emphasizes the importance of managing records as a basis for protecting civil and human rights, reducing poverty, controlling corruption, strengthening democracy, promoting economic and social reform, improving services to citizens, and demonstrating accountability and transparency. Learn more about The International Records Management Trust at

About The ARMA International Educational Foundation
The ARMA International Educational Foundation, incorporated August 11, 1997, and becoming a 501(C)(3) tax-exempt Foundation in January 1998, was formed by ARMA International. The Foundation's focus is to help define and advance the future of records and information management through three major areas of endeavor. These include, funding educational opportunities and instruction to individuals with the purpose of developing and improving their skills and capabilities in the area of records and information management; funding scientific research in records and information management; and awarding grants, scholarships and fellowships to individual students and educational institutions to further promote and develop records and information management. Financial support for the Foundation's efforts is provided primarily through charitable donations and gifts made by individuals and organizations to the Foundation's Endowment Fund. To learn more about the ARMA International Educational Foundation, visit