Kodak i2400 Scanner
The powerful Kodak i2400 Scanner features desktop scanning. The i2400 scans at 30 pages per minute (60 images per minute) vastly improving scanning speeds provided by multifunction products. The i2400 comes with Kodak’s Smart Touch functionality allowing even the most casual user to scan and manage documents with the touch of a button.
Add a Smart Touch to your office.
Take a moment to think about those multiple-step scanning operations that are done again and again, day after day. Scanning, editing, naming, choosing a file format — it’s so repetitive. Now imagine the time and money you could save by doing all that at the press of a button. That’s what Kodak’s Smart Touch functionality is all about.
The KODAK i2400 Scanner with built-in Smart Touch functionality lets you capture, manage, process, and deliver PDFs and other file formats — automating processes that previously were time-consuming.
For example, a business could configure its purchase orders scanning process as Option 3. Then anyone who needs to scan purchase orders can just press a button to choose “3” and the documents would be scanned and sent to their proper destination — no training or programming required. Make your work easier, faster, and smarter with KODAK’s Smart Touch functionality.
Download the brochure to learn more.