
ZL Unified Archive®

ZL Unified Archive® is a full-spectrum, enterprise-class information management platform that gives you rich insights and risk management controls for your enterprise information.

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Brochure: ZL Unified Archive®

ZL Unified Archive® is a full-spectrum, enterprise-class information management platform that gives you rich insights and risk management controls for your enterprise information. Powerful, precise and easy-to-use, ZL Unified Archive® lets you and visualize your electronic data in an entirely new way.With Unified Archive®, you are more prepared to understand your organization's knowledge, defend against litigation, and costs.

Originally built for carrier-class deployments, ZL Unified Archive's® underlying cloud-based architecture easily scales to the largest data volumes and is proven in real world deployments everyday. Read about how ZL Unified Archive® can meet your information governance requirements.

Click Here To Download:
Brochure: ZL Unified Archive®